Medical centre specialising in Hair Transplants

Rediscover your best look

Get back to your best look

We are specialists in hair transplants and in treating pathologies affecting the hair and scalp.

Our priority: to achieve natural, safe and lasting results for our patients. We only offer treatments with scientific evidence through the highest medical standards.

hair transplant

Recover your hair.
Regain confidence.

Hair transplantation is the most effective treatment with the best results in most cases of common alopecia. Recognize yourself in the mirror again.

hair mesotherapy

Stop hair loss without surgery

The treatment with microinjections that slows down hair loss, with excellent results and without going under the knife.

success stories in hair transplantation

Testimonials that endorse us

The satisfaction of our patients is our best letter of introduction.

Eder, after his hair graft of 5450 follicular units (FU) in two sessions.

Alberto, six months after his hair transplant. The best results of hair grafting can be seen one year later.

arencibia clinic

Professional ethics.
Medical excellence.
Scientific evidence.

At Clínica Arencibia we only offer hair treatments with proven efficacy .

We provide honest advice to our patients and apply the highest standards of medical care.

Our diagnoses and treatments are performed exclusively by surgeons specialized in hair grafting and trichology.

"The medical treatments we offer patients must be supported by proven scientific studies and decades of good results. In medicine, novelty should not be a value in itself."

Dr. Ney Arencibia, hair surgeon. Medical Director of Clínica Arencibia.

Take the first step to getting your hair back

Book your consultation today. Leave us your contact details, we will call you back.

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