What is hair mesotherapy? For whom is it indicated?

Capillary mesotherapy allows us to stop hair loss by infiltrating a medication into the scalp by means of microinjections.

This technique is indicated for some cases of common (androgenetic) alopecia or when the patient does not wish to undergo a hair transplant.

It is an invisible, fast and comfortable procedure. No pre- or post-care is required.

Injections for hair loss are a treatment with scientific evidence and efficacy between 62% and 92.2%, reported in several medical studies (

hair mesotherapy microinjections

The treatment, step by step

The complete hair mesotherapy treatment consists of an infiltration session with the periodicity indicated by the specialist. In general, results are visible within six months to one year.



After the correct diagnosis and treatment recommendation, the surgeon administers a specific medication by means of microinjections into the patient’s scalp. These injections are painless.



Our medical specialists monitor the results in each patient, to verify that the hair loss is stopped and the hair is strengthened.



In six months you will see results: stop hair loss and your hair will be stronger, without the need for oral or topical medication.

Take the first step to getting your hair back

Book your consultation today. Leave us your contact details, we will call you back.

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