Before12 months

Correction of poorly performed transplant

More natural frontal line redesign and improved hair density at the crown of the head

Before6 months

Closing of receding hairline

FUE Hair Transplant. 2146 folicular unities in a single session. Results after 6 months.

Before12 months

Hair transplant in the anterior region

Hair graft in male, anterior region. Result after 12 months

Before12 months

Hair transplant in the anterior region

Hair graft in male, anterior region. Result after 12 months

Before6 months

Crown hair implant

Hair graft in male, back of the head. Result after 6 months

Before6 months

Increased capillary density at receding hairline

Hight density hair trasplant on male lateral zone Result after 6 months

Before6 months

Diffuse Alopecia

Female alopecia. Hair trasplant on female, results after 6 months

Before12 months

Frontal hair implant.

Female hair graft. Hair transplant in trans gender woman, in the frontal and upper area. Result after 12 months.

Before6 months

Hair transplant in the frontal area

Hair graft in male, frontal and central area. Result after 6 months

Before6 months

Upper hair transplantation

Male hair transplant to increase density in the upper area. Result after 6 months

Before6 months

Closing of receding hairline

Hair transplant in a man. Reconstruction of men’s receding hairline. Result after 6 months

Before7 months

Anterior region reconstruction

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal and upper area. Result after 7 months

Before8 months

Frontal region reconstruction

Hair transplant in androgenic alopecia in men to reconstruct the receding hairline area. Result after 8 months

Before12 months

Frontal region reconstruction

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal area. Result after 12 months.

Before7 months

Frontal region reconstruction

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal area. Results after 7 months

Before8 months

Closing of receding hairline

Hair transplant in a man. Reconstruction of men’s receding hairline. Result after 8 months

Before7 months

frontal zone reconstruction

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal area. Results after 7 months

Before7 months

Hair receding closing and frontal zone reconstruct

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal area. Result after 7 months

Before12 months

crown hair implant

Male hair transplant, back of the head. Result after 12 months.

Before12 months

frontal zone reconstruction

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal area. Result after 12 months.

Before12 months

frontal zone reconstruction

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal area. Result after 12 months.

Before12 months

frontal zone reconstruction

Hair transplant in a man to reconstruct the frontal area. Result after 12 months.

Before12 months

crown reconstruction

Hair graft in male, back of the head. Result after 12 months.

Before8 months

back region reconstruction

male frontal region hair implant Result after 8 months

success stories in hair transplantation

Testimonials that endorse us

The satisfaction of our patients is our best letter of introduction.

Eder, after his hair graft of 5450 follicular units (FU) in two sessions.

Alberto, six months after his hair transplant. The best results of hair grafting can be seen one year later.

What our patients say

Our commitment
with quality

We make every effort to provide the best solution to our patients’ hair problems, offering them the best care throughout the entire process: from their first visit to the follow-up of their entire treatment process. They are our best letter of introduction.

Excellent and realistic, they tell you what they can do and what they can’t do, and they make it clear what you are responsible for. Very happy with the result, highly recommended.

Anier Hernández Peral, See in Google

Already on the first visit I found them to be very honest and super professional. I couldn’t be happier

Jonemma Ps, See in Google

Good Clinic. In my case the results are very good. They are professional and have a very competitive budget. The service is very familiar and any questions you may have are answered without any problems. I highly recommend it

Kiko Pavón, See in Google

My husband has just had an implant and is delighted. The medical team is very honest and doesn’t try to sell you smoke, they gave you a lot of security and confidence. For us, this is a place we highly recommend

Berta Íñigo Sainz, See in Google

I had high expectations after seeing and talking to several people who had gone for a hair transplant. But once I decided to have it done, I couldn’t be happier.

Francisco Jiménez Horcajuelo, See in Google

The result has exceeded my expectations and the area appears almost populated. The attention, ten out of ten

Mikel Dorronsoro, See in Google

A very professional, attentive and patient-friendly team. My experience with them has been very positive. I recommend this clinic to anyone who is interested in having a hair transplant.

Ibai Santesteban, See in Google

I had doubts about any clinic, I was looking for a long time both in Turkey and in Spain. And it was the only one I spoke to a doctor by video call. My friend had the operation in Turkey and he was amazed how my donor area is not damaged at all. Thanks to Arencibia

Asier Antonio, See in Google

Highly recommended. The treatment of the patient, the transparency in the explanations and excellent professionalism. Even though we have yet to see the final results, the pre and post treatment process has been flawless. Very good job

Jairo Navarro, See in Google

Google Rankings

Take the first step to getting your hair back

Book your consultation today. Leave us your contact details, we will call you back.

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