The best treatment, with natural and safe results

Hair transplantation consists of extracting healthy hair from the back of the head, where it never falls out, to graft it in the areas where it has been lost. It is the most effective and definitive treatment for common alopecia.

Is hair transplantation for me?

Our medical team uses the most advanced diagnostic tools to assess whether hair grafting would be the most appropriate option to solve your baldness problem.

In case you are not suitable for transplantation -or do not want to undergo surgery-, we will explore alternative treatments, such as hair mesotherapy.

Hair grafting is an intervention where aesthetics plays a vital role. In order to achieve natural results, experienced, specialized medical professionals and good hairline design are needed.

what should i know about transplantation?

Hair transplantation

All the information you need to understand the hair surgery procedure, prepare for the operation and learn how to take care of your hair after the procedure.


Consultation and diagnosis

Our medical specialists make a diagnosis of your hair problem to evaluate the best treatment option. If you are eligible for the transplant, they will explain everything you need to know about the operation.

During the consultation you will also be able to see the results of the procedure in patients with cases similar to yours.



At Clínica Arencibia we guarantee that hair surgery is performed exclusively by the expert doctors on our team, not by assistants. The anaesthesia is administered by an anaesthesiologist.

During the operation (between 4-8 hours) as many follicular units as the donor area allows are extracted in one session. Depending on the degree of baldness, some patients may require a second transplant.



Our specialists will explain how to take care of your hair after the transplant with our Recovery Kit. We will schedule your regular check-ups at one week, six months and one year, but you will be able to consult your doctor whenever you need to.

Some patients see excellent results in only six months, although the definitive result is evaluated one year after the procedure.

specialists in FUE method

Visible, natural and lasting results

Despite the aggressive advertising of revolutionary techniques, for fifty years there have been only two main techniques accepted by the medical/scientific community for hair transplantation: FUE and FUSS. Both coincide in the way the hair is implanted and offer the same aesthetic results.

At Clínica Arencibia we specialize in the FUE technique because of its advantages for the patient: it leaves no linear scar, facilitates a quick recovery and allows us to extract follicular units from any area of the body.

The FUE and FUSS hair transplant techniques only differ in the way the follicles are extracted from the donor area. In FUE we extract the follicular units from the donor area one by one, through a meticulous selection process.

With the FUSS method, however, a strip of skin with hair is cut and the specialized technicians choose the follicular units to be implanted.

hair transplant without shaving

Recover your hair without anyone noticing it

Generally, hair transplantation requires shaving the head to facilitate the hair grafting process.

However, there is the option of performing the hair transplant without shaving, for those who wish to maintain the length and style of their hair… on the other hand, the density will increase noticeably, without anyone knowing exactly what has happened.

approved and effective techniques

Maximum reliability with proven results

We are specialists in FUE and FUSS hair transplant techniques, proven and effective for decades.

We use DHI, Sapphire with forceps, KEEP and Multi Implanter as implantation tools, depending on the area to be treated and the needs of each patient.

Despite the aggressive advertising of many clinics, these tools are not novel transplantation techniques, but rather types of instruments at our disposal.

Dr. María José Guerrero explains the different hair implantation techniques and their suitability depending on the patient.

innovation at clínica arencibia

Process improvement and medical excellence

At Clínica Arencibia we pursue excellence by improving our processes and adopting the highest medical standards. Our hair transplant operating room is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that guarantees maximum safety and comfort for the patient, as well as the best working conditions for our specialists.

Training in other medical specialties – and our extensive experience in hospital centers and emergency services – guarantee the well-being of our patients and the best practices in the practice of private hair medicine.

success stories in hair transplantation

Testimonials that endorse us

Read what some of our patients have to say.

Eder, after his grafting of 5,450 follicular units in two sessions.

Alberto evaluates the results six months after his hair transplant.

Minimum price starting at 5.566€ (tax incl.)

Take the first step to getting your hair back

Book your consultation today. Leave us your contact details, we will call you back.

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